Friday, April 9, 2010

Maps of Member States of ASEAN (Part1)

A Map of Brunei Darussalam
Official Name : Negara Brunei Darussalam (Abode of Peace)
Capital : Bandar Seri Begawan
Area : 5,765 square kilometres
Population : About 388 190 (in 2009)
Official Religion : Islam
Official Language : Malay (but English is also widely spoken)
Location : In Southeast Asia on the northern coast of Borneo
Climate : Tropical Climate, generally hot, humid and rainy
System of Government : Constitutional Monarchy (Sultanate)

A Map of Cambodia
Official Name : The Kingdom of Cambodia
Capital : Phnom Penh
Area : 181 035 square kilometres
Population : about 14, 241 640 (in 2008)
Official Religion : Buddhists
Official Language : Khmer
Location : In Southeast Asia, on the Indochinese Peninsula, bordered on the northwest by Thailand.
Climate : Tropical Humid Climate, rainy and dry season
System of Government : Multiparty Liberal democracy under monarchy

A Map of Indonesia
Official Name : The Republic Of Indonesia
Capital : Jakarta
Area : About 7.9 million square kilometres
Population : About 237, 512 352 (in 2008)
Official Religion : Islam
Official Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Location : In Southeast Asia between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
Climate : Almost entirely tropical climate (hot and humid all year round, but cooler inland than along the coastal regions)
System of Government : A Republic with a Presidential System

A Map of Laos
Official Name : Lao People's Democratic Republic
Capital : Vientiane
Area : About 236 800 square kilometres
Population : About 6, 667 534 (in 2008)
Official Religion : Buddhist
Official Language : Lao
Location : in Southeast Asia bordered by Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, China and Vietnam.
Climate : Tropical Monsoon Climate (rainy season and dry season)
System of Government : Socialist Republic, Communist Single Party State

A Map of Malaysia
Official Name : Malaysia
Capital : Kuala Lumpur
Area : About 329 845 square kilometres
Population : About 28, 310 000 (in 2009)
Official Religion : Islam
Official Language : Bahasa Melayu
Location : In Southeast Asia, consists of the Malaysian Peninsula and the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo
Climate : Tropical, humid climate
System of Government : Federal Constitutional Elective Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy

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