Monday, March 15, 2010

National Anthem of Brunei

Song Title : 'Allah Peliharakan Sultan' (God Bless the Sultan)

Lyrics : Pengiran Haji Mohammed Yusuf Bin Pengiran Abdul Rahim

Music By : Haji Awang Besar Bin Sagap

It became the official anthem of Brunei in 1947. The pupils in Brunei sing this National Anthem every morning during the assembly while raising the National Flag. The anthem is sung in Malay, the official language of Brunei.

Lyrics in Malay

Ya Allah lanjutkanlah usia

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia

Aidil Berdaulat Menaungi Nusa

Memimpin Rakyat Kekal Bahagia

Hidup Sentosa Negara dan Sultan

Ilahi selamatkan Brunei Darussalam

Translation of Lyrics in English

God Bless His Majesty

With A Long Life

(May he) Rule the Realm Justly and in Majesty

And Lead Our People (into) Eternal Happiness(May)

The Kingdom and Sultan Live in Peace

Lord, Save Brunei, The Abode of Peace

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