Sunday, March 14, 2010

The ASEAN Way Lyrics

Left : Mr. Sampow Triudom (Music Arrangement)

Right : Mr. Kittikhun Sodprasert (Music Arrangement)

Below : Mrs Payom Valaiphatchra (Lyricist)

The song is in our playlist. You can listen to it through this blog. Do sing along with us and be proud. Below are the lyrics of this song :-


Raise our flag high, sky high
Embrace the pride in our heart
ASEAN we are bonded as one
Look-in out-ward to the world.
For peace, our goal from the very start
And prosperity to last.
We dare to dream we care to share.
Together for ASEAN
we dare to dream,
We care to share,

For it's the way of ASEAN

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